August favourites

Oh no, I forgot to blog (nearly) all month. (Again).

I have not left this blog, despite appearances. I just have a lot less time than I did before. Or, perhaps I have the exact same amount of time but I’m allocating it to different things.

I think most likely it’s a combination of both.

But today I’m here and next week I’m determined to write a proper review of The Everlasting Rose, the second part of The Belles duology. I was pretty disappointed by it and I really, really didn’t want to be. I’m still sad about it. This is why I so rarely read series. They burn me (almost) every time.

But today is not for bemoaning disappointments. It’s favourites time.

To listen: Lover

I mean obviously. My unapologetic love for Taylor Swift will never end. The vulnerability and unabashed look at the ways you can be insecure and difficult and brilliant in this set of songs draws me in every single time I listen. I love her, especially the way she has developed over the years into a politically active, nuanced and private figure who is clearly prepared to grow as a person.

Love her.

To listen: WTF with Betty Gilpin

Probably the most regular feature on my favourites, I know, but these conversations bring so much to my life. Especially this one. I adore Betty Gilpin. She’s an amazing and unusual actress and the way she talks about insecurity, mental health and dealing with ‘life in the vestibule’ speaks to me on a very personal level. This conversation felt like listening to two people take a stroll through my brain – it was so comforting and validating on basically every level.

The read: The Gentlewoman

This magazine is one of those £8, comes out quarterly, only available to purchase in pretentious shops-type deals but it is worth the investment of your pennies. It’s packed with creative, subversive and fascinating women from across the feminist, political and artistic spectrum. The writing is stunning and thoughtful, with truly some of the best celebrity profiles I’ve ever read. If you don’t believe me, you can read some of them online here.

(I particularly recommend Alison Janney and Sandra Oh)

Person: Carolyn off Killing Eve

Will you make sure that Pointless is recording, Kenny?

It is easy to be so distracted by Jodie and Sandra that you don’t realise Fiona Shaw is one of the best characters on Killing Eve – at least, that’s what I found during season 1. Season 2 though, for me, was dominated by Fiona Shaw – or, I should say, Carolyn. Did she say anything that wasn’t completely weird and utterly perfectly delivered? No – no she did not.

How was YOUR August? I hope everyone has had a lovely summer, depending on which hemisphere you happen to live in.

Author: Lydia Tewkesbury

27. Loves a good story.

8 thoughts on “August favourites”

  1. I’m looking forward to your review of The Everlasting Rose – I didn’t really like The Belles very much, so I didn’t continue with the series. Still interested to hear what happens/your thoughts though!

    Also I still haven’t watched Killing Eve! Idk what’s wrong with me!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my god you need to watch Killing Eve! I think you’d really like it. I know probably everyone has said that to you. I would say leave it for when you’re having kind of a rough day and you need something that’ll make you laugh/ make you a little bit inspired by how great it is. It has some of the best scripts on TV right now, in my opinion.

      Aw, thanks. I just got around to posting it. I know a lot of people didn’t really get into the first book, but I loved it and I was really sad the sequel didn’t live up to my hopes 😦


  2. Oh now I’m curious about your thoughts on The Everlasting Rose. I read and really liked The Belles, but I’ve heard some mixed reviews about the sequel and even the first book… I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts on that!
    I love Taylor Swift SO much and her new album is brilliant, as always.
    I hope you’ll have a beautiful September! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you are a fellow Taylor fan. I sadly have very few in my life!

      Aw, thanks. You too! I’m going away on holiday for a few days this time next week with my family, so I’m looking forward to that a lot.

      I wish The Everlasting Rose hadn’t been a disappointment to me! I just sat down to write the review and now I’m even more upset by the situation.

      Liked by 1 person

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