October favourites

So that’s October over and done with.

How was your month? Mine wasn’t too shabby. I have managed to regain some semblance of a blogging routine (look at all. These. POSTS!). I caught the local leg of Dylan Moran’s tour and he was funny and exactly what my heart needed. I also started exercising again after months of putting it off for no particular reason, and, as I knew would happen, my body and mind are feeling better for it.

So without further ado, shall we get to some favourites?

(I barely remember how to do this it’s been so long!)

Watching: Jigsaw (Netflix)

Daniel Sloss

Daniel Sloss’s stand up special Jigsaw is an absolute MUST. A show about relationships, break ups and the unnatural shapes into which we attempt to bend for the benefit of others, it is necessary viewing.

Do yourself a favour and just watch it. Especially if you happen to be in a relationship you’re feeling unsure about. It will blow your mind.

Reading: The Guardian Long Reads

As our attention spans shrink and the field of journalism is gradually degraded into nothing, there is a slow but steady backlash happening against short, poorly reported articles and so called “long reads” are experiencing something of a renaissance. Contrary to what you might think, in SEO terms, Google actually prioritises articles that are more than 1500 words – all the better to combat fake news (in theory).

Enter The Guardian’s Long Reads, an ever evolving collection of essays, profiles and in depth reporting providing the sort of nuanced, contextualised stories that mostly died out years ago.

I love it.

Yes, it will take up most of your lunch break but it is almost always worth it.

A good starting point: Tommy Robinson and the Far Right’s New Playbook by Daniel Trilling.

Listening: Wolverine: The Long Night

wolverine the long night

I am getting somewhat sick of the amount of Marvel content available these days, but I have to say their new Wolverine podcast is REALLY good. One of the most atmospheric scripted serials out there, it details the experiences of Agents Pierce and Marshall after they arrive in Burns, Alaska to investigate a horrific massacre on a fishing boat.

Potential listeners should note there is a lot of hunting and animal death in this show.

Watching: Daredevil season 3 (Netflix)


HOW GOOD WAS DAREDEVIL SEASON 3?! Fisk was back on terrifying form and every time Dex/Bullseye was on screen I had a small heart attack (the horrific buzzing sound that followed him whenever he was feeling particularly unstable was truly chilling and incredibly effective). I have been a huge fan of Karen Page ever since she shot Westley, so finally seeing her get her dues – and Deborah Ann Woll the opportunity to showcase how great of an actress she really is – was thrilling. Though I think that scene in the church may actually have shortened my life by several days. The stress.

Matt finally finding his way back to his friends was a necessary development – the ‘lone wolf’ storyline was getting old and, let’s face it, Foggy and Karen make him bearable.

I’m still very saddened by the loss of Luke Cage – and Iron Fist actually. Season 2 was so much better than season 1! – but I’m really happy to see Daredevil back on form.

What have you been reading/watching/listening to this month? I’d love to hear about it!

Author: Lydia Tewkesbury

27. Loves a good story.

9 thoughts on “October favourites”

  1. EEP, I’ve been watching Daredevil season 3 too, and I just watched the episode after we find out who Matt’s mother is…hoLY CRAP, didn’t see that one coming!!! I just started the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, too. And watching Manifest! Lots of shows going on around here. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never heard of those Marvel podcasts before and am truly curious about what exactly they’re about and if it’s some sort of canon content or a fun exploration of a medium. 😮 And hell yes to Daredevil S3! Absolutely brilliant season. I binged it so fast that I was lost for a couple of days after. And that prison scene though! How intense was that uncut sequence!!! And the amount of psychological manipulation on this season is phenomenal! 😮 Now I just need Punisher S2 ASAP!!!! 😛 Have a wonderful November, Lydia!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh I will be honest I don’t know too much about Wolverine (I’ve never been crazy about X Men) so I can’t speak to the canon, but I found the story completely gripping.

      Oh my goodness, DDS3 was SO GOOD. That prison scene! The one with Karen and Fisk! Then that bloody church fight scene (I was so sure she was a goner when that was happening). I loved Jay Ali’s character as well – it was fairly obvious how it was going to end up from the start but I still loved his arc.

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  3. I decided to watch loads of the Netflix Marvel shows a few months ago. I started off with Season 2 of Daredevil and watched up to The Defenders but ended up with Marvel fatigue and was a little disappointed with everything but Daredevil so I’m taking a break from it all but I’m glad Season 3 is good! And I love a well-scripted podcast, I will have to check that one out!

    Yes to longreads on The Guardian! There is good journalism out there yet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I can see how watching everything in one go would cause fatigue! Especially as there was a while there where things went pretty severely down hill.

      I hope you like season 3 when you get to it. I loved season 2 pretty much exclusively for Jon Bernthal’s Punisher but the Electra/Matt storyline bored me. Season 3 is all tension, all the way and I adored it! But is was incredibly stressful.

      I know! Journalism is surviving despite everything!


  4. You know what, those news about the 1500 words articles make me so happy. I LOVE writing and I write loooong pieces. I’ve only been writing less because I think readers enjoy shorter posts, and I haven’t had much time to make them longer anyway. I find that our attention spans need a reset of some sort, and I’m all for the coming back of long pieces!!

    That podcast sounds amazing! I had no idea there was a Wolverine one? What the heck. Thanks for sharing! I need to go and listen to it sometime.

    Also, I recently finished Sabrina on Netflix! I have a conflicting opinion of it, but it was still very entertaining and made my Halloween heart happy ❤ I'm currently going through tons of books from my readathon so that'll take most of my time for the month xD Otherwise, October was all about spooky reads 🙂

    Glad to see you posting more frequently now 😀 Can't wait to have enough time to blog hop more too!


    1. Oooh I haven’t finished Sabrina yet. I am enjoying it, but it isn’t what I thought it would be at all. I have a huge crush on her cousin and her knitwear (srsly where do those jumpers come from? I want them all).

      The come back of long pieces makes me so happy too! I think there’s so much poorly researched information out there now people are gradually being more careful with which sources they trust and that is certainly a positive thing! I don’t hate the listicles, but there needs to be a balance!!

      Oh god, blog hopping. Yes that is the next thing I have to get back to!


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