I started a Bookstagram!

Yep… I caved.

I’ve actually wanted to get on Bookstagram for a while but I was nervous. The quality of the content on there is so high, I always felt embarrassed to share my photos in comparison. But in the end I just thought screw it.

I love talking about books and there is such a great conversation happening over there I decided to jump in too, whatever my insecurities about the quality of my photos. And you know what? So far I’m having lots of fun with it.

So if you fancy it please do give me a follow over on Instagram. I’m @22isstillyoungadult over there too.

Are you on Bookstagram too?

Author: Lydia Tewkesbury

27. Loves a good story.

11 thoughts on “I started a Bookstagram!”

  1. So exciting! I love how different bookstagram is from blogging … I mostly have a bookstagram to have fun with photos and just to share. Definitely following you. And have fun! šŸ™‚

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